My Holy Week
Hi my lovers, i'm so sorry because i cant write for almost 2 weeks, i was so busy but know i can summariza what i did in my Holy week and i'll talk about Divine Mercy Sunday, since now i have to tell you, is so big that topic so i cant write a lot about it, but my other site [Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe-Catequesis] you can find information.
can we start?
First, what did happend in the holy week?
Holy Week
The Holy week is the most intense of the entire liturgical year now. However, for many Catholics have become just a chance for rest and fun . They forget the essential: this week we devote to prayer and reflection on the mysteries of the Passion and Death of Jesus to take advantage of all the graces that this brings.
Living our Holy week is Jesus accompany our prayer, sacrifice and repentance of our sins. Attending the Sacrament of Penance these days to die to sin and rise with Christ on Easter .
Palm Sunday
We celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem in which all the people praise him as king with singing and clapping. Therefore, we took our palms to the church for the bless that day and participate at mass.
Holy Thursday
This day we remember the Last Supper of Jesus with his apostles in which he washed their feet giving us an example of helpfulness . At the Last Supper, Jesus stayed with us in the bread and wine , left us his body and blood . Is Holy Thursday when he instituted the Eucharist and the priesthood . After the Last Supper, Jesus went to pray at the Mount of Olives . That happened all night and after a long time of prayer, he came to apprehend him.
Holy Friday
We remembered the Passion of Our Lord: His imprisonment , interrogation of Herod and Pilate ; scourging , the crowning with thorns and crucifixion . The Via Crucis commemorate a solemn ceremony and the Adoration of the Cross.
Holy Saturday
The day passed between the death and resurrection of Jesus is recalled . It is a day of mourning and sadness because we do not have Jesus in our midst . The images are covered and the tabernacles are open. At night they performed an Easter vigil to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. Vigil means " the previous afternoon and evening to a party. " . This celebration is customary to bless the water and light the candles in signal Resurrection of Christ, the great feast of Catholics.
Easter Sunday
It is the most important and happiest day for all of us , Catholics , and that Jesus conquered death and gave us life . This means that Christ gives us the opportunity to save , to enter Heaven and live happily ever after in the company of God. Easter is the passage from death to life.
My personal opinion:
My holy week was so beautiful, i was borned again, i met the forgiveness and love on Holy Thursday you don't have any idea how big is the love who Jesus had for us, i prayed for everyone, i wish everybody can know what beautiful is this love, My family from Caracas came to see me and was special, i can share with my cousin who is my godson "Diego" is so big, tall and handsome jaja, how fast grow up these children.
Also, i recorded some videos with a music group in my church
Some pictures about this day.
What do you know about Divine Mercy ?
Divine Mercy
The Feast of Divine Mercy has as main goal to get to the hearts of each person the following message: God is merciful and loves us all ... "and the bigger the sinner, the greater is the right of My mercy "(Diary, 723). In this message, that the Lord has sent us through Saint Faustina, we are required to have full confidence in the mercy of God, and always to be merciful to others through our words, actions and prayers ... "because faith without works, however strong, is useless" (Diary, 742).
In order to properly celebrate this holiday, it is recommended to pray the Chaplet and the Novena to the Divine Mercy; confession-which is essential to first make a good examination of conscience, and receive Holy Communion on the Feast of Divine Mercy.
Next Post.Canonization. Saint Juan XXIII and John Paul II
I love you so much, i will try to write frequently.