domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

My Holy Week

My Holy Week

Hi my lovers, i'm so sorry because i cant write for almost 2 weeks, i was so busy but know i can summariza what i did in my Holy week and i'll talk about Divine Mercy Sunday, since now i have to tell you, is so big that topic so i cant write a lot about it, but my other site [Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe-Catequesis] you can find information.

 can we start?

First, what did happend in the holy week?

Holy Week

The Holy week is the most intense of the entire liturgical year now. However, for many Catholics have become just a chance for rest and fun . They forget the essential: this week we devote to prayer and reflection on the mysteries of the Passion and Death of Jesus to take advantage of all the graces that this brings.
Living our Holy week is Jesus accompany our prayer, sacrifice and repentance of our sins. Attending the Sacrament of Penance these days to die to sin and rise with Christ on Easter .

 Palm Sunday

We celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem in which all the people praise him as king with singing and clapping. Therefore, we took our palms to the church for the bless that day and participate at mass.

Holy Thursday

This day we remember the Last Supper of Jesus with his apostles in which he washed their feet giving us an example of helpfulness . At the Last Supper, Jesus stayed with us in the bread and wine , left us his body and blood . Is Holy Thursday when he instituted the Eucharist and the priesthood . After the Last Supper, Jesus went to pray at the Mount of Olives . That happened all night and after a long time of prayer, he came to apprehend him.

Holy Friday

We remembered the Passion of Our Lord: His imprisonment , interrogation of Herod and Pilate ; scourging , the crowning with thorns and crucifixion . The Via Crucis commemorate a solemn ceremony and the Adoration of the Cross.

Holy Saturday 

The day passed between the death and resurrection of Jesus is recalled . It is a day of mourning and sadness because we do not have Jesus in our midst . The images are covered and the tabernacles are open. At night they performed an Easter vigil to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. Vigil means " the previous afternoon and evening to a party. " . This celebration is customary to bless the water and light the candles in signal Resurrection of Christ, the great feast of Catholics.

Easter Sunday

It is the most important and happiest day for all of us , Catholics , and that Jesus conquered death and gave us life . This means that Christ gives us the opportunity to save , to enter Heaven and live happily ever after in the company of God. Easter is the passage from death to life.

 My personal opinion:

My holy week was so beautiful, i was borned again, i met the forgiveness and love on Holy Thursday you don't have any idea how big is the love who Jesus had for us, i prayed for everyone, i wish everybody can know what beautiful is this love, My family from Caracas came to see me and was special, i can share with my cousin who is my godson "Diego" is so big, tall and handsome jaja, how fast grow up these children.

Also, i recorded some videos with a music group in my church

Some pictures about this day.

What do you know about Divine Mercy ?

Divine Mercy 

The Feast of Divine Mercy has as main goal to get to the hearts of each person the following message: God is merciful and loves us all ... "and the bigger the sinner, the greater is the right of My mercy "(Diary, 723). In this message, that the Lord has sent us through Saint Faustina, we are required to have full confidence in the mercy of God, and always to be merciful to others through our words, actions and prayers ... "because faith without works, however strong, is useless" (Diary, 742).
In order to properly celebrate this holiday, it is recommended to pray the Chaplet and the Novena to the Divine Mercy; confession-which is essential to first make a good examination of conscience, and receive Holy Communion on the Feast of Divine Mercy.

Next Post.Canonization. Saint Juan XXIII and John Paul II

I love you so much, i will try to write frequently.

Mi Semana Santa

Mi Semana Santa

Hola mis amadisimos, disculpen mi ausencia por 2 semanas jeje estaba muy ocupada pero les haré un resumen que hice en mi Semana Santa y hablare un poco de la Pascua de la Divina Misericordia, desde ya les digo que es super extenso el tema así que no lo abarcare como quiero, mi otro Site [Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe-Catequesis] si esta publicando sobre la Divina Misericordia.



Primero, ¿Que ocurrió en Semana Santa?

Semana Santa

La Semana Santa es el momento litúrgico más intenso de todo el año. Sin embargo, para muchos católicos se ha convertido sólo en una ocasión de descanso y diversión. Se olvidan de lo esencial: esta semana la debemos dedicar a la oración y la reflexión en los misterios de la Pasión y Muerte de Jesús para aprovechar todas las gracias que esto nos trae.
Vivir la Semana Santa es acompañar a Jesús con nuestra oración, sacrificios y el arrepentimiento de nuestros pecados. Asistir al Sacramento de la Penitencia en estos días para morir al pecado y resucitar con Cristo el día de Pascua.

Domingo de Ramos

Celebramos la entrada triunfal de Jesús a Jerusalén en la que todo el pueblo lo alaba como rey con cantos y palmas. Por esto, nosotros llevamos nuestras palmas a la Iglesia para que las bendigan ese día y participamos en la misa.

Jueves Santo

Este día recordamos la Última Cena de Jesús con sus apóstoles en la que les lavó los pies dándonos un ejemplo de servicialidad. En la Última Cena, Jesús se quedó con nosotros en el pan y en el vino, nos dejó su cuerpo y su sangre. Es el jueves santo cuando instituyó la Eucaristía y el Sacerdocio. Al terminar la última cena, Jesús se fue a orar, al Huerto de los Olivos. Ahí pasó toda la noche y después de mucho tiempo de oración, llegaron a aprehenderlo.

Viernes Santo

Ese día recordamos la Pasión de Nuestro Señor: Su prisión, los interrogatorios de Herodes y Pilato; la flagelación, la coronación de espinas y la crucifixión. Lo conmemoramos con un Via Crucis solemne y con la ceremonia de la Adoración de la Cruz.

Sábado Santo o Sábado de Gloria

Se recuerda el día que pasó entre la muerte y la Resurrección de Jesús. Es un día de luto y tristeza pues no tenemos a Jesús entre nosotros. Las imágenes se cubren y los sagrarios están abiertos. Por la noche se lleva a cabo una vigilia pascual para celebrar la Resurrección de Jesús. Vigilia quiere decir “ la tarde y noche anteriores a una fiesta.”. En esta celebración se acostumbra bendecir el agua y encender las velas en señal de la Resurrección de Cristo, la gran fiesta de los católicos.

Domingo de Resurrección o Domingo de Pascua

Es el día más importante y más alegre para todos nosotros, los católicos, ya que Jesús venció a la muerte y nos dio la vida. Esto quiere decir que Cristo nos da la oportunidad de salvarnos, de entrar al Cielo y vivir siempre felices en compañía de Dios. Pascua es el paso de la muerte a la vida.

Opinión personal:

Mi Semana Santa, fue totalmente hermosa, renací otra vez, conocí el perdón y el amor el Jueves Santo, no tienen idea de lo grande que es el amor que Cristo tiene por nosotros,oro para que muchos conozcan tan hermoso amor.Mi familia de Caracas vinieron a visitarnos y fue super especial, pude compartir con mi ahijado amado "Diego risitas" esta inmenso, cuan rápido crecen estos niñitos jeje.

También grabe unos vídeos con un grupo de Música de mi iglesia.

Algunas fotos de ese lindo día.

¿Pascua de la Divina Misericordia?

Divina Misericordia

La Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia tiene como fin principal hacer llegar a los corazones de cada persona el siguiente mensaje: Dios es Misericordioso y nos ama a todos ... "y cuanto más grande es el pecador, tanto más grande es el derecho que tiene a Mi misericordia" (Diario, 723). En este mensaje, que Nuestro Señor nos ha hecho llegar por medio de Santa Faustina, se nos pide que tengamos plena confianza en la Misericordia de Dios, y que seamos siempre misericordiosos con el prójimo a través de nuestras palabras, acciones y oraciones... "porque la fe sin obras, por fuerte que sea, es inútil" (Diario, 742).
Con el fin de celebrar apropiadamente esta festividad, se recomienda rezar la Coronilla y la Novena a la Divina Misericordia; confesarse -para la cual es indispensable realizar primero un buen examen de conciencia-, y recibir la Santa Comunión el día de la Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia.

Próximo Post. Canonización. San Juan XXIII y San Juan Pablo II

Se les quiere mucho, no me perderé más.

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

Domingo de Ramos-Práctico

Domingo de Ramos

A continuación les presentaré diferentes ideas para tu encuentro.

Baúl de fotos 

Cristo como el Señor de las Palmas durante una procesion en Juxtlahuaca, Oaxaca, Mexico

Típicos ramos (palmeras) empleadas en la celebración.

Procesión de la Pollinica, en Málaga.

Procesión de La Borriquilla de Soria en su paso por la calle Collado.

Procesión de Las Palmas, organizada por la Cofradía de la Entrada de Jesús en Jerusalén de Astorga.

Trono del Santísimo Cristo de la Esperanza, de Francisco Salzillo, titular de la Cofradía murciana del mismo nombre.

Dibujos para colorear 


Recortar y Pegar
Debes de imprimir.



¿Qué tal algunas actividades?



Si un Puzzle! Recuerden aquí todo debe ser high-tech. jaja

Aquí lo pueden hacer:

Imagen de mi artista favorito.. FANO 



Con esta pagina

Bueno espero que les haya gustado todas mis sugerencias, disfrute hacer mucho hacer este post sobre Domingo de Ramos, esperen nuevos post sobre Semana Santa, trataré de ser constante en la publicación pero ando full. :(

Mis agradecimientos especiales al blog de "La Meche" 

Tengo preparado un post sobre "Blogs" :)

Palm Sunday ( theory)

Palm Sunday

I want to bring you, an special topic, "Palm Sunday" ¡Blessed who comes in name of the Lord! ¡Hossana in the heaven!
On Palm Sunday all the catholic community celebrate the entry of Jesus in Jerusalen, where a crowd was around to him with olive palms and palms in the hands, was with him in the entry to the city, between exclamations and songs. A lot of people what was there, was following him with a lot of faith and hope.
This Sunday, 13-April, it's so important because we have to commemorate this date, How? well going to the procession, to the Passion lecture and to the blessing of the palms. After that, when we had our palms blessed for the priest, all the people can keep the palms and bring to your homes.
It's a special day because we can think about the begining of the Stations of the Cross that Jesus had to live when he came to the world to forgive our sins and to give to us the possibility to entry to the heaven.

¡Blessed who comes in name of the Lord! ¡Hossana in the heaven!

If it's true and i dont have any doubt ,in the internet we can find out a lot of different information about Palm Sunday, but "BE ALERT" not at all the information we can read is true, for that reason, in the moment when you are find out something or preparing our meeting ALWAYS you have to be careful in:

  1. Focus on the Lord, Pray before of prepare your meeting.
  2. Be alert if the web or the site, where you are find out is catholic.
  3. Research in two (2) different sites (min)
  4. If you have any doubt, or you are not sure about the information, ask to your supervisor in Catechesis, she or he will be always to answer your questions.
  5. If you are going to do a copy-paste.. PLEASE. Copy the link because you have to be careful with the copyrights.
In a next opportunity i want to write a little bit about ¿How can i prepare my meeting?. But i going to try in my next posts i can bring you small tips.

Once submitted how can you find out information?. I want to show you, two techniques for the presentation. One of them is the concept map is a diagram that depicts suggested relationships between concepts. The other technique is "Six Ws", an excelent technique to write and to show a topic. For the people who can't remember what i'm talking... i want to give you an idea: Who? (¿Quién?), What? (¿Qué?), Where? (¿Dónde?), When? (¿Cuándo?), Why? (¿Por qué?), How? (¿Cómo?).

Now? Do you remember? if you are not very clear yet, you can go to: 

Domingo de Ramos

Concept Map.

Following our high-tech metholodogy lol yes! I bring you a new program "Gliffy Diagrams"

This is my concept map:

Note: Sorry for my long space in white, when i was exporting the archive like JPG archive i forgot to put high the map

In a next post i want to explain you about this program, but i can say you: "it's easy to work", so you can start to use.

You can download it, here: 

Did you know... Palm Sunday celebration, you have to have in mind: "The entry of Jesus in Jerusalen, and you have to commemorate with a procession and another important element in the Palm Sunday how is the Passion.

Six Ws
  • Who can proclaim the Passion?

"... The Passion is proclaimed by deacons or priests, or, failing that, by readers, in which case the share Christ reserves the priest. Proclamation For the Passion not carry no lights or incense, and is not at first greeting the people as usual for the Gospel, the book or signa. deacons just ask the priest's blessing. for the spiritual good of the faithful, it is read by the entire narrative Passion and the readings that precede it are not overlooked ... "


  • What are we celebrating?

"... On this day, the two liturgical traditions that have led to this conclusion are intertwined: the joyful, crowded, festive liturgy of the mother church of the holy city, which becomes mimesis, imitation of Jesus did in Jerusalem, and the austere memory - history - of passion that marked the liturgy of Rome. Liturgy of Jerusalem and Rome, together in our celebration. With an evocation which can not fail to be updated.
Come with thought to Jerusalem, we went to the Mount of Olives for we call at the Chapel of Bethphage, which recalls the gesture of Jesus, prophetic gesture that comes as peaceful King Messiah acclaimed first and sentenced then to meet all the prophecies. .
For a moment people have revived the hope and with it, openly and without subterfuge that coming in the name of the Lord. At least I understand the simplest, the disciples and people who accompanied Jesus as a King .. "

Did you know: This day marks the beginning of Holy Week, festivity and dates vary depending on the Spring Equinox and the first full moon night.

  • Where?
Throughout the various Catholic countries , apart from liturgical celebrations, various demonstrations commemorating the entry into Jerusalem and , in many cases, they start to Holy Week processions .

  • When?
After Lent , Palm Sunday specifically solemnly opens Holy Week , with the memory of the Palms and passion . Sunday, 13 April .

  • Why?
" ... When he came to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover , Jesus asked his disciples to bring a donkey and rode . Before entering Jerusalem , people spread their cloaks on the road , and others cut branches from trees carpeting the step as accustomed to greet the kings.
The people in front and behind Jesus cried :
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LordHosanna in the highest! "

He entered the city of Jerusalem , which was the largest city and the capital of the nation, and many people , children and adults , accompanied him and received like a king with palms and shouting " Hosanna" means "Viva" . The townspeople asked who is this ? and they responded , "It is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee." This was his grand entrance.
The crowd that followed him was made up of men, women and children, each with their name, their occupation, their good and bad , and with the same interest to follow Jesus . Some of these people had been present in the miracles of Jesus and had heard his parables . This led them to praise Him with palm branches in their hands when they entered Jerusalem .
There were many who followed Christ in this moment of triumph , but few who accompanied him in his passion and death .
While this was happening , the Jewish priests sought pretexts to put him in jail because they were afraid to see how people loved him more and as they had hailed to enter Jerusalem ... "

  • How is this celebration?
The main ceremonies of the day are the blessing of palms, procession, Mass and during Mass, the singing of the Passion. The blessing of the palms follows a similar ritual of the Mass ... "

My personal opinion

It's a beautiful celebration,i can tell to you,two things why is so important.. is the end of the Lent and the begining of the Holy Week, i have to foreground, this celebration is important for the palms procession and the Passion lecture. When we recibe the palms we should say or sing "Blessed who comes in name of the Lord".
Some people who are superstitious with the palms, i hope if you know about one of them ,you ought to explain them the meaning of Palm Day.

I found this prayer so beautiful, for this Sunday when you bring the palm to your home.

Prayer to put the blessed palms at home:
Lord bless our home.
Your Son Jesus and the Virgin Mary reign in it.
By intercession grant us peace, love and respect,
so that respecting and loving
honor those we know in our family life,
Be thou the King in our home.
 I hope you can enjoy this post as me, in the next post i want to show you the different ways how can you show a meeting to the kids.
If you have any suggestions or doubt, please write me :)
Diana M.